Mia Pride
Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, New Adult Romance, Time Travel Romance
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- Member Since
Sep 2017
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
9 December
- Profession
Mia is an award-winning author and mother of two human boys and many furry creatures residing in the SF Bay Area. How she manages to get anything done is a wonder to all, including herself.
As a child, she often wrote fantasy stories, preferring to live in a world where the line between reality and fantasy didn’t exist. In High school, she entered writing contests and had some stories published in small newspapers or school magazines. As life continued, so did her love of writing.
Mia received her Bachelors in Health Science from CSUEB and recently completed her editing certificate with UC Berkeley. Currently, Mia is both self-published and small-press-published with Dragonblade Publishing.
When Mia isn’t writing books or hanging with her family and pets at home, she loves to get lost in a good book, buy anything with pugs on it, and drink massive margaritas with her friends. Her happy place is the Renaissance Faire, where you can find her at the joust, rooting for the shirtless highlander in a kilt.